Purple Tree Communications

Purple Tree Telecom is an independent Business Telecoms company, designed to bring back old fashioned service for businesses for Mobile and landline & cost savings.
Mainly focusing on the South West of England, I believe that service levels to business should of the highest levels whilst costs always need to be of the lowest manageable level. There is a place in business for service and inter-community supply for most products and in the Telecoms market, I firmly believe there is currently a lack of genuine quality service.
Purple Tree Telecom’s team consists of a combined 75 years of Mobile Business experience with a team consisting of: Steve Lawton (EX Mobile Radio Limited MD) Emma Leahy EX Bridgwater Communications SW Ltd (admin manager) and myself 24 years owner of Bridgwater Communications SW Ltd.
We are network independent, so for us it’s about getting the right fit for the customer and to do this we take the time to understand the individual needs of a business before we submit a proposal. The roll out of 4G across the UK and the combining of EE/Orange & T Mobile has created confusion in the customer’s eyes and we aim to cut through the jargon an get the best for our clients.
“Purple Tree Energy” saving is an arm of the company which offers a simple portal to compare their energy costs, which along side the saving we will offer on Telecoms will hopefully get the optimum prices for our companies utilities.
With the growth of Purple Tree we are always looking for IT suppliers who want to make sure their customers get the best Telecoms to go with their IT solutions. Partners are always welcome.
Director Steve Leahy is also the Chairman of the Bridgwater Chamber of commerce whilst also sitting on the Somerset Chamber board of directors. He very much believes that businesses and suppliers should deal with each other where relationships and quality go hand in hand and trying to keep business and money within the region.