This September, Weston College is launching brand new adult courses, which present a fantastic opportunity to reskill, upskill or improve your CV.
In May, the BBC reported that there were over 1.3 million live job vacancies in the UK, so now is the perfect time to turn your dream career into a reality and starting your journey with adult courses.
There are a real range of exciting courses on offer, including:
- Access to HE – An opportunity to gain the qualifications needed to study a University Degree
- A Levels for adults – 7 fast-track A Levels for adults, which are delivered online
- FREE building trade courses – Learn a new skill, or expand your skillset
- English and Maths – Study functional skills, GCSEs or ESOL courses
- Hospitality, Hair, Barbering and Beauty – Turn your hobby into a career, or learn new skills
- FREE Level 3 courses – For those who do not already have a Level 3 qualification you can choose from a list of National Skills Fund courses.
Many of these courses will also be free, opening the doors for people to access this high-quality training.
Sir Paul Phillips, Principal and Chief Executive of Weston College, said: “We are excited to launch this new offer, which provides valuable opportunities for people over the age of 19.
“We are passionate about creating brighter futures for all, and these new courses are a great way for adults that are wanting more from their career, to retrain in an area that they are really passionate about.
“There also exciting opportunities for people that are currently unemployed, through our Employment Services Team, who work closely with employers across the region to attract and train staff.
“This September we are expanding our teaching locations as well, with courses being delivered across our major campuses in Weston, but also in Bristol, and some delivered online.
“If you or someone you know is looking for advice and support, we can help! Get in touch with the team at Weston College, either call on 01934 411 411, or email us via”