As you are probably aware, Government is offering a range of support for small businesses affected by the recent floods, including:
- A £5,000 “repair and renew” grant for all affected business (and also homeowners) – topping up any money received from insurers to ensure flood resilience is built into homes and businesses as they are repaired. The grants scheme will go live on 1 April
- All affected businesses will get 100% business rate relief for 3 months and an extra 3 months to pay business taxes owed to HMRC as they get back on their feet
- A £10 million fund for farmers suffering water-logged fields to help restore it to farmable land as quickly as possible.
- A total commitment in excess of £750 million from the major banks to provide financial support to business and individual customers affected by the floods up to £10 million available as emergency funding and support for businesses in flood affected areas
- The government’s Business Support Helpline (T: 0300 456 3565) is offering advice and support to businesses affected by floods, including a free 1 hour call with a dedicated Business Support Adviser
The Department for Business wants to continue supporting small business people who are getting back on their feet. Do you have any events or other activities planned that we can help publicise with you? We are keen to promote any local activity that supports small businesses who have suffered.