£20 million SME Brexit Support Fund opens for applications
March 16, 2021
The fund will help smaller businesses with changes to trade rules with the EU. Smaller businesses can today (15 March 2021) apply for grants of up to £2,000 to help them adapt to new customs and tax rules when trading with the EU. The £20 million SME Brexit Support Fund enables traders to access practical support, including training…
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Time is running out to get ready for end of Brexit transition
December 22, 2020
With less than two weeks to go until the Brexit Transition period ends, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is urging traders to complete crucial preparations needed to trade with Europe from 1 January. This month, HMRC has sent 250,000 letters and emails to VAT-registered traders urging them to get ready for the new trading rules.…
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Preparing Businesses for Brexit
July 26, 2019
Chamber Chair attends “Preparing Businesses for Brexit seminar” Preparing businesses for a potential no deal Brexit, steps already taken seminar at Taunton in association with the HOTSW LEP Chamber Chair Steve Leahy & fellow board meeting Anne Fraser attended the “Preparing business for Brexit seminar on Thursday 18th July 2019. Preparing businesses for a potential…
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Bridgwater MP says "Prime Minister's days are numbered" after Brexit debacle
April 18, 2019
BRIDGWATER and West Somerset’s MP has joined Conservative rebels calling for a leadership challenge, saying ‘the Prime Minister’s days are clearly numbered’. MP Ian Liddell-Grainger was talking to members of Bridgwater Chamber of Commerce at a Meet The MP event on Friday morning when he made the comments. Mr Liddell-Grainger said when he spoke to…
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Bridgwater Chamber of Commerce - Brexit Survey results
May 3, 2016
Bridgwater Chamber of Commerce - Brexit Survey results You can see below the results of the survey of members carried out by the Bridgwater Chamber of Commerce. Thank you to members for completing the questionnaire and for their candid opinions. There are supporters of leaving the EU and also those wishing to stay, however the…
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